Abdul Hamid Hemat
Media Officer • Aga Khan Trust for Culture • male
Abdul Hamid Hemat works in sculpture, painting, calligraphy, photography and graphics. He is currently a Media Officer at the Aga Khan Trust for Culture in Kabul. Before this, he worked as the senior creative designer at the Moby Group. These professional roles, which expand his creativity under tight deadlines, stemmed from his interest in art. Hamid Hemat was first inspired to study art in 2001 upon watching videos of the Taliban’s destruction of the Buddha statues in Bamiyan. The devastation of such broken heritage sparked his interest that he was later able to pursue following the fall of Taliban. Hamid Hemat received his Bachelors degree in Fine Arts from Kabul University and is currently working towards an MA in Visual Art at Kabul University.
Visual Art, Multimedia
Abdul Hamid Hemat on the Web